1601006068- long case
50 YR OLD FEMALE CASE A 50yr old female,farmer by occupation, resident of suryapet came with chief complaints of weakness in left upper and lower limbs since 3 days. History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back ,then she developed dizziness which was sudden in onset .Then she developed weakness in her left upper and lower limbs followed by fall.Weakness was sudden in onset and progressed rapidly to a state where she was unable to move her left lower limb and left upper limb.It was associated with drooping of angle of mouth on left side ,with speech difficulty and there was deviation of mouth to the right side, associated with drooling of saliva. It was not associated with loss of consciousness,loss of memory, seizure activity, behaviour abnormalities, bowel or bladder incontinence or visual disturbances. No H/o fever,nausea,vomiting,headache,chest pain and dyspnea. Past history: No simila...