Analysis on 45year old female patient with anasarca
G SAI TEJASWINI ROLL NO 61 I have been given this case in an attempt to solve in attempt to understand the patient's clinical data analysis to develop my competency in reading and comprehending including history, clinical findings, examination, investigations, and plan of treatment The complete details of the patient's history are given this case The main complaints of the patient are - 1. Pedal edema pitting type 2. Generalized edema 3. Shortness of breath at rest (NYHA grade 4) 4. Chest pain on the right side 5. Anuria Causes of generalized edema : 1.Heart failure 2.cirrhosis of liver 3.kidney disease 4.hypoalbuminemia 5. Drug-induced edema 6. nutritional origin what is the anatomical and etiological diagnosis of the patient : anatomical diagnosis- kidney injury etiological diagnosis-nephropathy due to diabetes, hypertension what are the reasons for : azotemia is a medical condition characte